onsdag 29. oktober 2014

"African Holocaust"

Hi guys!

When I wrote about the immigration a couple of days ago, I mentioned that I was going to Dallas! And as I’m writing this in my one bedroom-floor in the hotel with a view over huge skyscrapers, you guessed right, I’m here! Now as I just arrived in Dallas, I haven’t had the chance to explore the city yet, but I can’t wait! So while I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do in the “Big D” I thought that I should write something to you guys as a thank you to for following my blog. New Orleans is like a spirit animal so while I was there I had so many things to write about. I finally picked slavery. Btw as you can see with the title, I’m being a little more “imaginative” with the titles. The slavery is a kind of “holocaust”, and I know many of you know about the holocaust under the Second Word War. Enjoy. ;)

The legal institution of chattel slavery was the slavery in the United States that existed in the 18th and 19th centuries. It all began when the first African slaves were brought to the colony of Jamestown Virginia in North America in 1619. They were to aid in the production of lucrative crops as tobacco. Throughout the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries, slavery has been practiced. The African-American slaves helped building the economic foundation of the new nation. The central importance of slavery to the South’s economy was the invention of the cotton gin in 1793. It’s said that it was not any particular race that should be slaves, but rather those who could perform most work under the worst conditions. (It was said when the first African slaves were brought to Europe; then America though the same). So Africans has long been the preferred people to enslave because of their physical endurance. That’s like saying “you’re strong and healthy and now you’re going to be a slave”. That’s nice. Note that if I could, I would say that with a sarcastic voice.

 First when trade contacts were made between the continents of the Old World (Africa, Asia and Europe) and the New World (North and South America) did the Atlantic slave trade start. But before that slavery had been practiced in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe for many centuries. There are evidence that prior to the European colonization of the Americas enslaved people from African states got exported to other states in Africa, Asia and Europe. Although the Atlantic slave trade was not the only slave trade from Africa, it was the largest in volume and intensity. Trade among three ports or regions is in a historically perspective called a triangular trade, and the Atlantic triangular slave trade is the best-known triangular trading system. Supplies for trade sale and trade, such as copper, cloth, guns and ammunition, was the first leg of the triangle from Europe to Africa. It was on the second leg that slaves was transported by ships from Africa to the New World. Because of diseases in the crowded holds of the slave ships many slaves died on the journey. The ships were then loaded with export goods, such as sugar, rum, tobacco and hemp, for the third leg – a return voyage to their home ports.

The slaves’ daily life was incredibly difficult, and they worked from sunrise until sunset. On infrequent holidays such as Fourth of July and Christmas and Sundays, slaves were generally allowed a free day. One free day because they owners were “nice”. Small stick houses with dirt floors and cracks in the walls were generally the slaves’ houses. Because the smaller farms of South California didn’t require as many slaves as the large plantations in the Lower South, many slaves was sold to states in the South. Slaves often suffered personal violations. They could be sold without notice to someone else by their owner or when a planter fell or died on hard times. They were moved in an instant to an unknown and distant location, leaving behind family and their loved ones. Sexual exploitation were no less common or brutal, as slave women always were prey to the predatory sexual habits of their master. Sisters, daughters, wives, young and old, they were all subjects to the sexual assault. That’s inhuman and I’ll curse it and get angry over it, but at the end of the day I probably will forget about it until the theme gets brought up again and I’ll get angry again. And thats just how humans are.

Well that was it! I will be updating in a few days, but I don’t know what I’m going to write about just yet. It’s a beautiful and sunny day here in Dallas, so I’m going out to enjoy it. See you soon! :D
-Hana ♥


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